Amelia Husnik
During my high school years I became interested in drawing, painting and art history thanks to a wonderful art teacher, who was an artistic painter as well.
After becoming a teacher in special education I joined an informal group of people who liked to get together one evening per week to paint under the leadership of a professional artist. As was the fashion in those days in Holland, much emphasis was placed on free expression, greatly ignoring technical instruction of any kind.
In 1969 I emigrated to Canada, where work and family life took priority, and for years there was just no time to practice or develop any painting skills. After almost 30 years living in Sault Ste. Marie we moved to London, where soon after my husband died.
A year later I stepped inside the Byron library to see what the painting group was all about, and I have not left since! When I found out about the many painting opportunities in and around London I made it my goal to learn and practice as much as I could.
I joined several painting clubs and painting groups, attending workshops as much as possible, and I have been taking advantage of the many art courses that are offered in Ontario, Michigan, Wisconsin and overseas.
I have taken part in a number of trips to Italy, France, UK and Ireland under leadership of Kevin Bice; to be able to sketch and paint those beautiful locations is a great experience. Also trips in Canada and overseas with a small group of friends provided lots of opportunities to paint and sketch on location.
Since the year 2000 I have regularly taken part in a variety of local and provincial art shows.
I am very grateful for the many wonderful people I have met and for the encouragement of teachers and fellow painters alike.